On Sep 25 16:31, Vermessung AVT - Wolfgang Rieger wrote:
> 1) Concurrent read access to the setup files was possible and worked
> fine with local files (24 hrs testing with millions of file accesses
> in 4 parallel jobs).
> 2) However, when the file to be read (datafile.txt) is stored on a
> network share on a file server - which is the case in our working
> environment - the error could be reproduced. The number of Bad file
> descriptor errors seems to be related to the work load at the server
> where the file resides.
> 3) The MS copy command shows no such error, even with network files.
> So we can substitute the cat's by copy's. For gawk, however, there is
> no shell alternative.
> It looks like there is a small time frame in opening files when the
> server file is non-accessible to other processes. If a parallel job
> happens to access the same file within that short time period while
> another process is opening it, the "Bad File Descriptor" error is
> thrown.

Cygwin uses full sharing for all files it opens, unless the file is
opened in very specific circumstances (e.g, creating a symlink, deleting
a file).  "Bad file descriptor" doesn't point to a sharing problem.
It seems the handle is unusable or something.

I tried your testcase and I can't reproduce the problem in my
environment.  Have you tried catching a trace of the problem via
strace?  It would be helpful to see where the EBADF occurs.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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