Anthony Heading writes: > I didn't hit any explicit configure issue myself, rather a bunch of > unrecognized case-invariant strcmp variants, which took about 10 seconds > to fix but did make me wonder about the source code. And then this > below was the slightly trickier issue: > > % src/mkshortcut/.libs/mkshortcut xyzzy > mkshortcut: Saving "xyzzy.lnk" failed; does the target directory exist? > > The packaged binary does not do this.
I really appreciate the leads and code you've provided. Could we please discuss only on the Cygwin mailing list? That's the convention we have, barring extraordinary circumstances :) . It allows for public review. Installing gettext-devel and popt-devel got rid of my configure issues. I updated lpr/ and cygdrop/ to use strcasecmp() instead of stricmp() and strcmpi() respectively. I did not (yet) look into the compiler warnings that spew during the build of some of the cygutils executables. At that point I could reproduce your first mkshortcut issue. Your patch seems to fix that issue. So far, so good. The second issue with the non-absolute path is more problematic. Without your second patch, I do see the issue but only on the 2nd or later invocation. In other words, if the xyzzy.lnk file does not initially exist, the command 'src/mkshortcut/.libs/mkshortcut xyzzy' works and does create the link file. Another invocation then shows the error. Is it simply mis-reporting that there's an existing link file? I'm also assuming you're in the /usr/src/cygutils-1.4.14-1.<arch>/build directory when you issue that command. ..mark -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: