Hi all,

I'm working on fixing some issues in crosstool-ng so that Cygwin can
be used as the build, host and/or target machines and I ran into an
issue when building binutils.

Binutils links to libfl if it finds it (though I'm not sure if it
actually uses anything from it, but that's another issue).
libfl.{la,a} and libfl.dll.{la,a} are provided by the "flex" package.
They link to libintl, but they don't depend on "libintl-devel" which
provides that library. I guess there's two options, either add the
dependency or else split flex into flex and flex-devel, making
flex-devel depend on libintl-devel.

$ cygcheck --list-package flex | grep libfl.la

$ cat /usr/lib/libfl.la | grep intl
dependency_libs=' -lintl'

$ cygcheck --list-package libintl-devel | grep lib/libintl

>From setup.ini:
@ flex
requires: libintl8 m4 _update-info-dir cygwin


Best regards,


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