Dear Ken, thank you very much for your help and the bug fix. I do have the links in /etc/X11/fontpath.d xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi:unscaled:pri=20 -> /usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi and they work fine within cygwin.
I tried to create corresponding links within windows by mklink "xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi:unscaled:pri=20" ..\..\..\usr\share\X11\fonts\75dpi but I the a message the the file name syntax is illeagal. A quick search told me that a colon is a really forbidden file name component in WINDOWS and the mask with " " did not help. Interstingly a single colon works fine !?! So why are there colon in the name of the symbolic link, which program reads these links and is there a way for me to change my system to use a different link name ? Best Reinhard From: Ken Brown <kbrown at cornell dot edu> To: cygwin at cygwin dot com Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 11:31:51 -0400 Subject: Re: loading VT100 Font in stand alone program Authentication-results:; auth=none References: <c188ecfd2b967c0692a28eaf3c4e382e dot squirrel at faumail dot uni-erlangen dot de> On 10/13/2015 10:16 AM, wrote: Hi Everybody, I have written a program "kuplot" that runs inside an X-window terminal through a script: #!/bin/sh if( /bin/ps | /bin/grep XWin ); then export DISPLAY=':0'; /bin/xterm -rightbar -sb -pob -title "kuplot secondary window" -e /bin/kuplot; else /bin/rm -f /tmp/.X*-lock /bin/xinit "/bin/xterm" -rightbar -sb -pob -title "kuplot primary window exit last" -e /bin/kuplot -- "/usr/bin/XWin" :0 -multiwindow -logfile /dev/null; fi If I start this script from within CYGWIN (both 64 and 32 bit) the VT menu appears at the top of my Xterm, and I can change the font size. If I start the program from the desktop icon, I do get the VT100 menu, but an error message of: /bin/xterm: cannot load font 'misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1' and a similar message if I try to change the font size. The program was installed into a separate folder at C:\Program files (x86) and within this I have folders bin ! quite a few of the /bin/*dll and /bin/*exe etc/X11 ! exact recursive copy of /etc/X11 in cygwin including fonts/* (only gzipped filesthough?) usr/share/terminfo ! exact recursive copy /usr/share/X11 ! exact recursive copy I seem to be missing the proper link to the VT100 fonts , where would I have to look for that? You should have a directory /etc/X11/fontpath.d with some symlinks in it. Due to a bug in setup, however, this directory may not have been created. The bug was just fixed yesterday, so you should use the latest setup (2.872) and reinstall any xorg-x11-fonts-* packages that you have installed. Ken -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: References: loading VT100 Font in stand alone program From: reinhard . neder -- Prof. Dr. Reinhard Neder Kristallographie und Strukturphysik Universitaet Erlangen Staudtststr. 3; 91058 Erlangen tel. +49-9131-8525191 fax +49-9131-8525182 -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: