On Oct 21 08:24, Barry Roberts wrote:
> Attached is the strace output.


The culprit are apparently some weird User and Group SIDs.

34   22501 [main] ls 3428 build_fh_pc: fh 0x180329B20, dev 000000C3
   26   22527 [main] ls 3428 stat_worker: (\??\M:\install, 0x600039B40, 
0x180329B20), file_attributes 16
  539   23066 [main] ls 3428 cygpsid::debug_print: get_sids_info: owner SID = 
   39   23105 [main] ls 3428 cygpsid::debug_print: get_sids_info: group SID = 
  227   23332 [main] ls 3428 pwdgrp::fetch_account_from_windows: 
LookupAccountSid(S-1-81-0-0), Win32 error 1332
   36   23368 [main] ls 3428 pwdgrp::fetch_account_from_windows: line: 
  198   23566 [main] ls 3428 pwdgrp::fetch_account_from_windows: 
LookupAccountSid(S-1-0), Win32 error 1332
   34   23600 [main] ls 3428 pwdgrp::fetch_account_from_windows: line: 
--- Process 3428, exception c0000005 at 00007FFA1856A774

Granted, it's not nice of Cygwin to SEGV here, but I do wonder where
the SIDs S-1-81-0-0 and S-1-0 are coming from.  They are both invalid
as far as I can see.

Hmm.  The problem is to reproduce this to find out where this happens.
The exception address is inside a Windows DLL :-P


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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