On 19/10/2015 21:11, James R. Phillips wrote:
The new Octave 4.0.0 GUI is very impressive. I did discover an issue, though.
Using the system command with 'bash" as an argument, i.e,
should yield a bash command prompt in the command window. However, this causes
the command line interface to hang.
This works in the command-line version..
The system command with other legal bash commands (e.g. 'ls') seems to work
fine in the GUI.
I am running 64-bit Cygwin. Output of cygcheck attached.
James R. Phillips
Hi James,
yes, your old package is grown up a bit.
About your question, I am not so sure that it is expected to work.
The bash process is not run in a proper terminal so it has no access to
command inputs, while octave is waiting for its termination.
If you use system("xterm"), than bash works in a separate terminal
and octave does not hang.
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