I tried Evolution, but it wasn't obvious how to get it going and I wasn't 
patient. It also loaded lots of extra stuff, including gamin which runs 
gam_server (IIRC) like a service. It was eating CPU on occasion, and I couldn't 
figure out how to stop it, and that made updating CYGWIN difficult if not 

However, you're inspiring me to go back and see if I can find anything like a 
HOWTO for Evolution.

Douglas Lewan
Shubert Ticketing
(201) 994-4335

Nonfirstorderizability. It's a thing.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com [mailto:cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com] On
> Behalf Of Andrey Repin
> Sent: Friday, 2015 October 16 11:44
> To: Yaakov Selkowitz; cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] New: gimp-2.8.14-2
> Greetings, Yaakov Selkowitz!
> >> In the world of windows I use only Outlook (frequently) and The Gimp
> (occasionally).
> >> Having The Gimp under CYGWIN remove all the tiny bits of clumsiness
> that I have now.
> And introduce a new clumsiness in requiring to run X server.
> Sorry, but I prefer native GIMP.
> >> (Now to go to work on Outlook.)
> > I already did; it's called 'evolution', which I use on a daily basis
> for
> > both mail and calendaring.
> Doesn't trump The Bat!…
> --
> With best regards,
> Andrey Repin
> Friday, October 16, 2015 18:42:19
> Sorry for my terrible english...

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