The following packages have been added to the Cygwin distribution: * gtkmathview-0.8.0-12 * libmathview0-0.8.0-12 * libmathview-devel-0.8.0-12 * libgtkmathview0-0.8.0-12 * libgtkmathview-devel-0.8.0-12
GtkMathView is a C++ rendering engine for MathML documents. It provides an interactive view that can be used for browsing and editing MathML markup. GtkMathView reads MathML documents by means of a frontend whose purpose is to traverse the MathML document (or part of it) and to appropriately instantiate GtkMathView's internal data structures that are suitable for rendering it. -- Yaakov -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: