On 9/30/2015 7:15 AM, JonY wrote:

gcc-5.2.0-1 has been uploaded for 32bit and 64bit Cygwin.

This is the first series of the 5.x releases, and should be considered
as experimental as such.

Just a HEADSUP for package maintainers who might want to try this: I installed this by clicking the Exp button in setup and choosing everything that seemed related to gcc. This included binutils-2.25-2. It turns out that this test release is *not* related to the gcc-5 release, and it has bugs that caused me problems. So stick with binutils-2.25-1.

[JonY, I can report the binutils-2.25-2 bug separately if you want details. Briefly, I got errors when running 'nm -l' on some DLLs, on x86 only.]


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