On Fri, 2015-09-11 at 11:17 +0200, Tobias Zawada wrote:
> Maybe, this is the reason why `emacs -q` gives the error message:
> Font `-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--14-140-75-75-m-90-iso8859-1' is not
> defined
> and exits after the update on 2015-09-11?
> Starting with `emacs -Q` and loading personal initialization file afterwards 
> is
> the current workaround for me.
> `cygcheck -s` output is listed below.

In the future, please *attach* cygcheck output as directed on our
website.  But the relevant part is here:

> xorg-server 1.17.2-3 OK
> xorg-server-common 1.17.2-3 OK

As mentioned in the announcement, these font changes were intended to be
used in conjunction with 1.17.2-4.  Please update again and make sure
you get that version.


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