Greetings, Jan Bruun Andersen!

> After an unfortunate mishap with an encryption key, I have started to
> rebuild my harddisk. And making sure I have a good backup :(

> I noticed a problem with the file permissions for  /usr/sbin/ssh-keysign.exe:

> $ getfacl.exe /usr/sbin/ssh-keysign.exe
> # file: /usr/sbin/ssh-keysign.exe
> # owner: andersej
> # group: Domain Users
> user::rwx
> group::--x
> other:--x

> For some reason, the Windows-based backup program (Seagate Manager)
> wants the Windows group "Everyone" to have read access.

The reason is that it is not a backup program, it is a file copying program.
Backup program must adjust its security token with SeBackupPrivilege.

> Otherwise it will report:

> ERROR  >>>      C:\cygwin64\usr\sbin\ssh-keysign.exe
>                       Access denied

> Is there some special reason for denying everyone read permission
> (o+r) to this file?

Yes. It is called "proper security".

> PS: I have the same problem with /etc/rebase.db.x86_64 which only have
> 660 permissions.

See above. Use real backup software, not dumb file copying software.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Monday, September 7, 2015 22:53:33

Sorry for my terrible english...

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