On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 02:02:59PM -0000, Kris Thielemans wrote:

> I have a problem with ntsec I think.
> I copied files from a remote disk (a Windows NT server) using the explorer.
> These files are then set to the following UID:
> ls -l test.txt
> -rwx------    1 65535    None         1225 Dec 10 11:30 test.txt
> If I create a file locally myself, I nicely get
> -rw-rw-rw-    1 kris     None         1230 Dec 10 13:46 local.txt


The owner of the remote file has a SID that does not appear
in your passwd file and thus it cannot be mapped to a uid. 
Cygwin then uses uid = -1 
This also explains what you describe in your follow up

Perhaps the Windows security gui or the cacls program will
reveal the identity of the owner.


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