Andrew Schulman writes:
> 100 history files?  Where?  I have only one history file,

~/.config/fish/fish_history.abcd (some four-letter random string IIRC,
like those created by mkstemp). Each of the files is having some portion
of my history in it, maybe something to do with the timestamp in the
original history file.  I haven't looked in more detail.

> I've seen those errors before, but in my case instead of "Device or resource
> busy" it was "Permission denied" because of an ACL problem.  Yeah, the amount 
> of
> noise there is so high as to make fish undesirable to use.

Yes, but the ACL problem was solvable.

> fish uses ~/.config/fish/fishd.MYCOMPUTER.x86_64 to store universal variables,
> which are shared between instances of fish.  Apparently it rewrites that file
> often.
> Do you see those messages when only one instance of fish is running?  Or only
> when there's more than one?

No, I've never ran more than one instance of fish at once so far.

>> Is there anything I can do to resolve these issues?
> For #2, maybe a solution would be to add a switch, say an environment 
> variable,
> that would tell fish not to split its history file.
> For #1 and #3, it seems that these are caused by use of a network profile and 
> I
> don't know what the solution is.
> My recommendation is to report these issues in the upstream issue queue, at
>  In my experience the fish
> developers are quite responsive to issues posted there, and want to support
> Windows.  I also watch that queue and will help as I can.

I don't plan on getting a GitHub account, so that venue is closed.

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