On Aug 31 17:23, Nellis, Kenneth wrote:
> From: Achim Gratz 
> > Adam Dinwoodie writes:
> > > However, if I search for `libstdc\+\+\.la`, despite this being just the
> > > full name of the file that is being matched above, I get no results[1]!
> > 
> > You'll notice that if you simply search for libstdc++.la you'll get the
> > result you seem to want, so there is some auto-escaping going on that
> > doesn't appear to be described anywhere.
> So, which regex syntax does the web page want: regular, extended (-E),
> or Perl (-P)? The web page should specify which or, better yet, allow us
> to specify which.

It's a grep BRE.  The backslashes are unneeded and even in the way
of what you're trying to grep.  I clarified this a bit on the
package search page.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
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