On 8/24/2015 6:03 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, David Rothenberger!
>> On 8/24/2015 1:50 PM, Sam Geeraerts wrote:
>>> Op Fri, 21 Aug 2015 10:09:04 -0700
>>> schreef David Rothenberger <daver...@acm.org>:
>>>> It works fine for me here using 1.8.14.
>>>> Are you checking out into a local filesystem or a network filesystem?
>>> I check out on a local filesystem.
>> I think this is a known issue with the Cygwin port. It has been
>> discussed before. You can work around the issue by mounting your network
>> filesystem using /etc/fstab.
> Did he say he's checking out to a local FS? O.o

My apologies. I interpreted his statement to mean that he successfully
checked out to a local filesystem, not that he was encountering the
error while checking out to a local filesystem.

I guess the next step is cygcheck output and telling me exactly where
the checkout was occurring. But I'm not hopeful I can solve this because
(a) it works for me, (b) I haven't done C programming in many years and
(c) I don't use subversion anymore and don't have much free time to
debug it.

Sam, it may be up to you to debug Subversion to see if you can determine
what is causing the problem. But let's start with the output of cygcheck
and telling me where you're doing the checkout. You can find
instructions about attaching cygcheck output here:


David Rothenberger  ----  daver...@acm.org

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