Greetings, David Stacey!

>> QDir::mkpath() fails when creating paths that start '/cygdrive/'. This
>> problem is only shown with Qt5 (not Qt4), and only with paths that 
>> start '/cygdrive/' (so running from my home directory '~' is fine). 
>> This is not a permissions problem, as it works fine with Qt4.
>> Sample programme is below. Compile for Qt5 as per the comments. 'cd 
>> /cygdrive/X' where X is a local drive where you have permissions to 
>> create a directory. Run './create_directory new_dir' and it fails to 
>> create the directory. Programme works fine when compiled with Qt4.

> I have updated to libQt5Core5-5.4.2-2, and I'm still getting this 
> problem. Is anyone else able to reproduce this, or offer some insight as 
> to why it might be failing? For completeness, my example programme is 
> included below.

QDir in Qt5 have known issues. A number of them. One serious issues is a
failure to treat international (UNICODE) paths. Probably related to all
unicode handling in that area.
Hang on the updates channel to see them resolved.

> Dave.

> // Programme to create a directory.
> // Works with Qt4:
> // g++ -I/usr/include/qt4 -o create_directory create_directory.cpp -lQtCore
> //
> // Fails with Qt5 if run from a path starting '/cygdrive/', otherwise OK:
> // g++ -I/usr/include/qt5 -o create_directory create_directory.cpp 
> -lQt5Core

> #include <QtCore/QDir>
> #include <iostream>

> int main(int argc, char** argv)
> {
>    if (argc != 2)
>      std::cerr << "Syntax: create_directory <name>";
>    else
>    {
>      QDir dir(QDir::currentPath());
>      if (!dir.mkpath(argv[1]))
>        std::cerr << "Failed to create directory '"
>                  << argv[1] << "'." << std::endl;
>    }
>    return 0;
> }

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Thursday, August 13, 2015 02:37:16

Sorry for my terrible english...

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