> mintty 2.1.2 is an update in response to a number of crash reports under
> unclear circumstances;
> mintty only detaches from the caller's terminal if the option -D is given
Thank you, Thomas!

I extracted mintty.exe (and named it mintty-v212.exe) from 
mintty-2.1.2-0.tar.xz, and
placed it in <Windows Cygwin root>/bin (i.e. I did not install through 

>From winmain.c (v212),

  // if started from console, try to detach from caller's terminal (~daemonize)
  // in order to not suppress signals
  // (indicated by isatty if linked with -mwindows)
  if (daemonize && !isatty(0)) { // boolean daemonize is set to true if -D is 
    if (fork() > 0) exit(0);

I gather, that v212 has the "old behaviour" if -D is not specified on the 
command line.

Test v212:

 - started from the explorer: works
 - using a dos console (in which mintty-v212 is started): works
 - using a dos console (in which bash is started), followed by invocation of 
mintty-v212: works
 - using a dos console (in which cmd is started), followed by invocation of 
mintty-v212: works

Of course, SIGINT is ignored in the third case (old behaviour).

Invocation of 'mintty-v212 -D' in the third case, makes "mintty" crash again ...
(hint: source code of setsid.c -- util-linux package)

(... and I ask myself whether or not the condition '!isatty' is the "correct 
condition" to
 go "daemon")


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