On 7/20/2015 11:48 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Jul 18 12:37, Adam Dinwoodie wrote:
Reposting the below (without repeating the cygcheck output in the name
of efficiency) in case the original email was missed.
I'm willing to help investigate the problem, but if I'm left to my own
devices, I'm not sure if/when I'll be able to find the time to
Here's the problem from https://cygwin.com/cygwin-pkg-maint:

   cvs                                 ORPHANED (Charles Wilson)

Anybody willing to take over CVS maintainership?


on 64 bit     cvs-1.11.23-1

while 32 bit  cvs-1.12.13-10

1.11.23 seems the last of the stable

and it was released 2 years after 1.12.13 (2008 vs 2006)
may be just packing cvs-1.11.23-1 for 32bit solve the issue.

I can look on the build phase, if no one else volunteer


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