A new release of m4, 1.4.17-2, will soon be available on your favorite
mirror, leaving 1.4.17-1 as previous.

This is a refresh build, done in order to let 64-bit m4 take advantage
of new stack overflow detection code supported by cygwin 2.1.  Ideally,
you won't notice any change of behavior except on poor input files that
cause stack overflow due to indefinite nesting.

You must rebuild from source if you want the experimental changeword
feature enabled, as using it can slow down normal operation, and since
it will disappear from the eventual m4 2.0.

If you encounter a problem that might be cygwin-specific, please report
it here rather than upstream.  See also the upstream documentation in

m4 is an implementation of the traditional Unix macro processor. It is
mostly SVR4 compatible although it has some extensions (for example,
handling more than 9 positional parameters to macros). GNU m4 also has
built-in functions for including files, running shell commands, doing
arithmetic, etc.

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Save it and run setup, answer the questions, and look for
'm4' in the 'Interpreters' category.

Note that downloads from cygwin.com aren't allowed due to bandwidth
limitations.  This means that you will need to find a mirror which has
this update, please choose the one nearest to you:

If you want to make a point or ask a question the Cygwin mailing list is
the appropriate place.

Eric Blake
volunteer cygwin m4 package maintainer

For more details on this list (including unsubscription), see:

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