On 7/4/2015 12:19 PM, Marco Atzeri wrote:
why have you installed everything ?
your system :
$ grep OK cygcheck.out |wc -l
my system:
$ cygcheck -cd |wc -l
so you have 4 time more packages then me and I am a heavy user.
I strongly suspect that you consumed all available
address slots for rebase, so the forks are almost impossible.
May be on a 64 system it will work, but on 32 bit you have an issue.
on my 32 bit system all the addresses from
$ rebase -si | awk '{print $3}' |sort | head -n 1
to 0x6fff0000 are busy.
Please check the output of
rebase -si | awk '{print $3}' |sort | head -n 1
or look for the lowest address using
rebase -si |less
I suggest you to remove most of not necessary programs.
In particular, he should not install more texlive-collection-* packages than he
thinks he will need. Even without fork problems, zp_texlive_finish.dash takes a
long time to run if all texlive collections are installed.
In addition, he should run 'rebase-trigger full' and stop all Cygwin processes
(including services) before re-running setup-x86.exe, so that the autorebase
postinstall script will do a full rebase.
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