On Jun  1 18:14, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Thomas Wolff writes:
> > I'd like to discuss what you (cygwin maintainers and others) think of
> > this move, whether it's good for mintty to be hosted on
> > github.
> The first thing should really be to find out what Andy Koppe thinks
> about this, or is there any information about his whereabouts that says
> he's abandoned his project (other than the long silence)?

Well, I don't know what Andy really wants.  I pinged him May 2015 and he
replied a couple of days later.  Life was taking a toll, so he was not
actively working on mintty anymore.  He told me he'd have a look into
providing a new mintty version.  I pinged him twice since then, once in
October 2014, once in January 2015.  I'm willing to ping Andy again
(done with this mail), but if he doesn't reply we should really go
forward I think, even if it's unfortunate, Andy being a nice guy.

> And that question of yours is moot since mintty already is on GitHub, in
> 26 different forks.  Most of them are "Automatically exported from
> Google Code." and some not even fully up-to-date.  Then closest to
> Cygwin is the one from cygwinports (Yaakov).

That should probably be the version going ahead with...


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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