On 05/27/2015 08:03 PM, Eliot Moss wrote:
> On 5/27/2015 5:16 PM, Gerry Reno wrote:
>> I've been struggling with this fork:retry issue for over a month and have 
>> yet to find a working solution.
>> The machines are Windows 7 64-bit with Cygwin 32-bit installation.
>> I run Setup and then install some bash scripts for the user.
>> Only some of the machines appear to be having this fork:retry problem.
>> And even reinstalling Cygwin does not appear to fix the problem.
>> Error:
>>      /etc/profile: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
>>       1 [main] bash 3236 child_info_fork::abort: 
>> C:\Cygwin\bin\cyggcc_s-1.dll: loaded to different address:
>>      parent(0x370000) != child(0x2B0000)
> This may be grasping at straws, but do you have a large number of cygwin 
> packages in your install?
> At some times in the past, if you had a really large number of packages (it's 
> the dll's in them that
> are of primary concern), the rebasing (which tries to give every library a 
> unique address range)
> could use so much of your address space that dll's would start running into 
> other areas.  If this
> might be a problem, maybe doing a smaller installation, with fewer packages, 
> would work better.
> Regards -- Eliot Moss

Thanks, Eliot.
Right now we're only installing the Base package plus about 5 or 6 additional 
I wouldn't think that would be too many.  The install goes pretty quick.

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