Ran this command on Cygwin64

$file mytar.gz
mytar.gz: gzip compressed data, from Unix

Did you want  me to run this command on Linux?


> Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 21:18:09 +0200
> From: bertrand.cap...@chunkz.net
> To: cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: Re: tar zxvf won't work with Redhat generated compressed tar file
>> I have an old CentOS system, so I copied an existing gzipped tarball from it 
>> to my Cygwin and had no difficulties exploding that file. It had extension 
>> '.tgz'. Copied it to '.tar.gz' and still had no issue with it.
>> What version of RedHat are you using, and what command(s) created the 
>> compressed tarball you're having difficulty with?
>> If you run the 'file' command on the tarball file, what does 'file' say it 
>> contains?
>> rake-0.8.4.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, last modified: Wed Mar 4 07:31:25 
>> 2009, from Unix
>> Note that some flavors of tar don't have a very powerful compression 
>> library, and some don't have one at all. For those old ones you may be 
>> forced to use gunzip to get the tarball into a form the old tar understands. 
>> (My ancient CentOS box has it, though.)
> I agree with you Joi. Tar relies on content of file not extension.
> Murthy, tell us what file yourfile.tar.gz does say ?
> --
> CHUNKZ.NET - script kiddie and computer technician
> Bertrand Caplet, Flers (FR)
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