Greetings, Steven Penny!

>> I upgraded to the new Cygwin today, why is this command producing different
>> permissions? Moreover how do I get it to produce sane results?

> I was able to use these command to produce sane results

>     $ cd /cygdrive/c

>     $ touch bad.txt

>     $ setfacl -k .

>     $ touch good.txt

>     $ ls -l *.txt
>     -rw-rwxr--+ 1 John None 0 Apr  8 02:16 bad.txt
>     -rw-r--r--  1 John None 0 Apr  8 02:16 good.txt

> I feel that the default permissions are wrong here. On linux when you create a
> new file with touch, it does not have executable permissions, for good reason.
> This would be a security issue.

Cygwin is not Linux.
And C:\ drive is not a part of Cygwin.
If you really want to destroy your Windows installation, there's easier ways
than meddling with setfacl on the root drive.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Thursday, April 9, 2015 00:45:45

Sorry for my terrible english...

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