On Thu, Apr 02, 2015 at 12:55:51AM -0500, Robert Miles wrote:
> On 4/1/2015 3:47 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >On Apr  1 03:26, Robert Miles wrote:
> >>The C: drive on one of my 64-bit Windows 7 computers is approaching
> >>90% full, but there are two other drives that are nearly empty.
> >>
> >>Can I move the entire Cygwin and Cygwin64 directory trees to one
> >>of the nearly empty drives, without losing the extra packages I've
> >>already downloaded and the files I've created?
> >
> >Robocopy allows to copy an entire Cygwin tree while keeping all
> >permissions intact.  I had good luck with something along the
> >lines of
> >
> >   robocopy C:\cygwin64 D:\cygwin64 /e /purge /z /copyall /sl
> >
> >
> >YMMV,
> >Corinna
> I tried that on C:\cygwin; it gave an error message without copying
> anything.  I suspect that was because this directory tree included
> links to the top-level directories of all of the Windows drives,
> including the one holding the Windows 7 operating system.
> I found a way to see the robocopy instructions; it looks like I'll
> need to read them thoroughly in order to tell it to copy the links
> but not what they point to.
Yes robocopy does have an option to copy symlinks rather than what they point
to: I saw it in the robocopy instructions that you're about to read.

Cheers ... Duncan.

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