Greetings, Mirko Vukovic!

> This is not an only Cygwin question (I see it also in the output of
> the Windows version of
> Emacs's dired).

> For some files in my directories, the output of ls -l gives the
> "Administrators" as owner.

> This is puzzling to me because:
> - There is no Administrators user listed in the Windows accounts
> - Under Explorer/Properties/Details, the user is my domain/my user id
> which is what I expect

I think I'll solve this puzzle for you.
In NT security model, there's no difference between users and groups.
Technically, at least. You can't make a user a member of other user directly,
but that is largely how SID history works. Your old SIDs are members of your
current primary SID.
And in NT security model, there can be only one "creator owner" of an object.
And it can be a user or a group. Cygwin derives the group permission bits from
In your case, CREATOR OWNER of said file is the group Administrators.
For more information, you can try getfacl(Cygwin) and/or [i]cacls(native).

> I looked in the FAQ, Documentation, Google (both cygwin and emacs).

> This causes problems for remote activities via ssh.  I cannot operate
> on these files, unless I
> do a chown to my user id.  But this then changes some of the
> permissions as well.

If you mean cygwin SSH, you can try mounting the respective part of your system
with noacl flag, relinquishing access control back to the OS.

> And this can then lead to problems down the line if not done carefully - me
> and my sysadmin I learned the hard way :-)


With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Friday, April 3, 2015 17:22:10

Sorry for my terrible english...

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