On Apr  1 03:52, Andrey Repin wrote:
> > Now where this really makes a difference is when I am transferring files 
> > between my Windows
> > system and other systems that are Unix-based, using git, rsync, and such 
> > tools.
> > Either I remove SYSTEM access or the permissions get messed up.
> That's one of the reasons why I think SYSTEM account privileges needs to be
> hidden from POSIX access mask. It needs to be shown in getfacl to reduce
> confusion, though, but otherwise there's no case, where hiding it could cause
> any more harm, than showing it.
> >>> Maybe what I am looking for is something like this:
> >>
> >>> - Certain Windows accounts/groups would be treated as 'root' for cygwin's
> >>>     purposes, perhaps controlled by a list in a file read when cygwin 
> >>> starts up.
> >> The list would be very short. "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM".
> > Ok -- I would be happy with that, rather than having g+rwx happening to 
> > every
> > file because I am granting SYSTEM access.
> > Do you begin to see the bind I feel myself in?
> Do tell me? I'm perpetually caught in it.

Sigh.  This is really annoying from a developer's POV.

Yes, yes, I still have "ignore SYSTEM in group handling?" on my TODO


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
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