I did see your answer, and it worked!  Thanks very much.

I now have a very simple .startxwinrc.  I noticed the default one does a lot of 
stuff.  Should I try to include it or copy from it?  Is it getting sourced 
automatically anyway?  It looked as if the system startxwinrc sources the user 
.startxwinrc, hence my thought that it might be running anyway.

From: cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com [cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com] on behalf of Mark 
Geisert [m...@maxrnd.com]
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 9:21 PM
To: cygwin@cygwin.com
Subject: Re: Adding font path to X server

Boylan, Ross writes:
> I need the Cygwin X server to have access to fonts from dosemu; currently
I have to add the path manually each
> time I start.  I thought I was following the manual by setting up
.startxwinrc as
> xset fp+ /usr/share/fonts/dosemu
> xterm
> but startxwin fails to start (details below).  How do I avoid having to
set the path manually?
> I'd appreciate cc's as my subscription to the list is currently in an odd
state, and may not be working.

Sorry, no can do with the gmane ML gateway I'm using.  Hope you see this on
the mailing list.

> $ startxwin
> Welcome to the XWin X Server
> xset:  bad font path element (#6), possible causes are:
>     Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
>     Directory missing fonts.dir
>     Incorrect font server address or syntax
> /home/rdboylan/.startxwinrc: line 2: $'xterm\r': command not found
> xinit: connection to X server lost
> The commands in .startwinxrc work fine when typed into an xterm after X

You appear to have at least one CR character in your .startxwinrc file.  Use
d2u on the file to get rid of it/them.  If that alone doesn't fix your
issue, you may need to add 'xset fp rehash' after the existing 'xset'
command.  Be sure not to add more CR chars if you edit the file again :-) .


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