Greetings, David Stacey!

>>> Back to the matter in hand - I don't suppose you had thoughts on why my
>>> simple application crashes when linked as shared, but works fine when
>>> linked statically?
>> Probably I've missed this bit before, forgive me if I did, but have you
>> rebased your library after linking?

> Thank you for your reply. I tried this two different ways:

>    - Running 'rebase -s' on cygcrash_library.dll;
>    - Moving 'cygcrash_library.dll' into /usr/bin and triggering a full 
> rebase using 'rebase-trigger full' and then running setup-x86_64.exe.

I think you need to rebase both your app and library (assuming they both
Cygwin dependent).
Simply moving it around wouldn't help, rebase only tend to apps in its list(s).

> Sadly, neither of these made any difference - the application still 
> crashed :-(

Well, shoot... was worth a try, at the very least.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Tuesday, March 31, 2015 03:22:01

Sorry for my terrible english...

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