On 3/28/2015 9:12 AM, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Jeffrey Altman writes:
>> After installing the texinfo 5.2.2 and texinfo-tex 5.2.3 packages I am
>> unable to find an installed makeinfo command in /usr/bin/.  I do however
>> find the makeinfo.1.gz man page contents.
> makeinfo should be a symbolic link to texi2any.
> Regards
> Achim.

Thank you Achim,

The symbolic link works from a Cygwin bash shell but not from a Windows
cmd or powershell.  texinfo 4.7.* had a separate makeinfo.exe which was
used by the native Heimdal build environment to generate docs from
Microsoft nmake.exe.

4.7.* is still available for 32-bit Cygwin but is not available for
64-bit Cygwin.

At least I now know what the issue is.

Jeffrey Altman

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