2015-03-24 21:42 GMT+01:00 Chloe:
> Cygwin Git always thinks files are changed even when they aren't. After a
> commit with a Windows Git, Cygwin Git shows files as modified.
> [snip]
> $ git diff .project
> diff --git a/.project b/.project
> old mode 100644
> new mode 100755

Apart from the file mode already mentioned, don't forget that Windows
based git uses CRLF as line endings where Cygwin git uses LF as
default line ending (like a Linux based git). Could lead to "modified"
files as well. I avoid mixed the two as much as possible. I use Cygwin
git to do all the real operations and use TortoiseGit (together with
Windows based git) just to see in the Windows Explorer what is
happening in my directories. There is a tweak introduced in the most
recent TortoiseGit to use Cygwin git, but have tried that yet.


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