On Mar 20 16:52, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
> On Fri, 2015-03-20 at 17:40 +0800, rexdf Rexdf wrote:
> > I never heard a sound from pulseaudio. Any package using pulse will
> > have no voice. (etc gstream)
> WFM.
> > I run some python gst Demo. It plays mp4, the video is quite well with
> > contrast,brightness,hue,saturation effect. (code from
> > http://wiki.pitivi.org/wiki/PyGST_Tutorial/Effects and run it from
> > xterm but not mintty). But no sound.
> Do you have gstreamer*-plugins-pulse installed?
> > If a cygwin program uses the pulseaudio.exe, I can find it from
> > Windows 8.1 Mixer.
> That is correct, PulseAudio uses the WinMM backend on Cygwin because of
> limitations of our OSS implementation.

Is anybody here interested in removing these limitations?  One problem is
that Cygwin only recogizes a single audio device, the current default
device.  It would be cool if somebody with a bit of knowledge in Windows
audio could update Cygwin's /dev/dsp code a bit.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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