> You may have misread the original question (and its subject): the POSIX
> permissions are 070, not (0)700.  These files are accessible to one or more
> of the groups the owner is a member of, but not to the owner.

I know clear about 070 and 700 and 0700. It is typos. That is why I
ask you to run icacls.

> +1 for the ICACLS workaround though.  I was bit by this recently when
> setting up openssh, which cares about locking down access to keys.  I needed
> to get rid of those group access bits, but chmod left them unchanged.   I
> used ICACLS to remove ACEs for 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM', which (based on
> experimenting) were affecting the 'group' triplet of the POSIX permissions.

Run mintty.exe as Administrators. You can set permission  by chmod
setfacl https://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using-utils.html#setfacl too.

If you try to remove some old account(like reinstall a new windows),
you can try SubInACL
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=23510 to deal
with SSID (something like

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