On 17/03/2015 16:07, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 7:05 AM, Jon TURNEY wrote:
If this happens again, can you show me the ~/.xsession-errors file as well?
I am waiting for it to happen again, but in a situation where I could
remember what led up to it.

Do you have a ~/.startxwinrc?  What are it's contents?
My ~/.startxwinrc *had* been linked to the default one.  I was trying
to avoid the "fbinit" (?) icon/program from starting.  Currently, my
.startxwinrc contains only these two lines:

    xrdb .Xresources
    sleep infinity

For some reason, my X resources file is not being read without
explicitly running xrdb.  Not the case on my work laptop.

Do you think this is perhaps associated with the unattended machine turning
off the monitor? Or going into sleep/hibernate?
The machine does not go into sleep/hibernate.  It *could* be the
monitor.  I'm using the embedded Intel 4600 graphics with the latest
Intel driver, and the monitor does power off after about 1/2 hour or
so.  At first I thought it might be related to a remote login from
TeamViewer.  I'll try to remember what led up to the next crash,
when/if it happens.

If I understand what you wrote at [1] correctly, this problem was occurring with X server 1.16 and is not new with 1.17. Do you have any vague idea when the problem started occuring?
[1] https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2015-02/msg00090.html

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