On 2015-03-17 15:52, Peter Rosin wrote:
> On 2015-03-17 14:33, Jason Pyeron wrote:
>> Pardon the direct reply, but my posts are blocked.
> Perhaps your boilerplate footer with copyright claims, or the
> raw email addresses? I took the liberty or forwarding it
> to the list. I hope that was ok.
>>                                                    See: 
>> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/260968
>> https://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2014-12/msg00096.html
>> and the forwarded message below.
> Interesting. But the patch may not be needed. The easy thing to
> do seems to be to either use core.createobject = rename
> or to convince some git :-) that Cygwin also needs
>       OBJECT_CREATION_USES_RENAMES = UnfortunatelyNeedTo

        OBJECT_CREATION_USES_RENAMES = UnfortunatelyNeedsTo

> in its section in config.mak.uname.
> Reading the explanation for the option in the git Makefile makes
> me think that this is obviously needed on Cygwin too.
>       "Define OBJECT_CREATION_USES_RENAMES if your operating
>       system has problems when hardlinking a file to another
>       name and unlinking the original file right away (some
>       NTFS drivers seem to zero the contents in that scenario)." 
> NTFS drivers ought to be the same on Windows and Cygwin, and
> I imaging that Cygwin will have a hard time fixing it up...


I will report back if my problems evaporate when I set
core.createobject = rename.

I assume they will.


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