Op 15-03-15 om 12:18 schreef Achim Gratz:
Erwin Waterlander writes:
It looks like this http://waterlan.home.xs4all.nl/tmp/dos2unix.htm
while it should look like
It could be a pod2html bug. I know that between perl 5.14.2 and 5.18
the pod2html output changed from plain UTF-8 to ASCII with ampersand
codes. I have asked the maintainer about it, but I got no answer.
If you don't define PERL_UNICODE (it must not be present at all in the
environment) then it should work.  The version of pod2html that comes
with 5.14 doesn't understand coding directives and has bugs with IO
layers, so if you make Perl unicode aware it'll encode the output twice.

Now, it seems that using Pod::Html and pod2html from 5.18 (which has the
GSoC patches from Marc Green) might work, but since this is not
available as a CPAN distribution and I'm not sure who else might use
Pod::Html in creative ways, I'd rather not go there.
Hi Achim,

You are right. When I remove PERL_UNICODE a correct the html is correct. Correct title and correct content, all nicely in UTF-8.
I added PERL_UNICODE=SDA, because of perl 5.18 (on Linux). Perl 5.18 
pod2html produces a wrong html title (double encoded?) when I don't set 
PERL_UNICODE. I find it weird that I have to set PERL_UNICODE for perl 
5.18 while I'm in an UTF-8 environment. I also don't like all the 
ampersand codes that perl 5.18 produces instead of UTF-8. The output of 
perl 5.14 pod2html is much better.
Thanks for your help.

best regards,


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