On Feb 28 14:28, Takashi Yano wrote:
> Package: inetutils-server
> Version: 1.9.1-2 or older
> Telnetd in inetutils-server package lacks handling of some of
> TIOCPKT control bytes. The most influential thing is a lack of
> handling of TIOCPKT_DATA. TIOCPKT_DATAs i.e. '\0's frequently
> appear in the stream of network side.
> In most cases, '\0' is invisible on a terminal, therefore it is
> hardly noticed. However, sometimes multibyte characters are
> displayed incorrectly by interference of inserted '\0'.
> To reproduce this problem:
> 1) Install intetutils-server package.
> 2) Make a typescript file by:
>       script -qc 'telnet localhost'
> 3) Do something to produce some text outputs.
> 4) Logout from the telnet session.
> 5) Look into the typescript file, then you will find
>    many extra '\0's (^@) in it.
> To fix this problem, I have made following patch.

Thanks, but right now we are lacking a maintainer for the inetutils
package.  Is maintainance for a Cygwin package something you might be
interest in?  If so, have a look at

  https://sourceware.org/cygwin/setup.html and


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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