Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> Hi Roger,
> On Feb 24 19:55, Roger Orr wrote:
>> Hello Corinna,
>> It seems slightly faster than the previous patch and I've not
>> noticed a downside yet. 
>> CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW LCLDN-DEV24 1.7.35s(0.286/5/3) 20150220 15:47:55
>> i686 Cygwin:
>> ~37ms to run echo.exe from Windows command prompt
>> ~60ms to run .\id.exe -a from Windows command prompt
>> CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW LCLDN-DEV24 1.7.35s(0.286/5/3) 20150223 21:02:38
>> i686 Cygwin:
>> ~35ms to run echo.exe from Windows command prompt
>> ~53ms to run .\id.exe -a from Windows command prompt
> That's a nice result.
> However, I don't quite understand this result for the older DLL.
> Weren't you reporting >4 secs as startup time from 1.7.35?!? 
The slow (4s) startup was from an early 1.7.35 DLL before that of 20150220.

>From an earlier message (2015-02-17):

1) Running cygwin "echo.exe" from a cmd.exe command shell

a) With passwd: files and group: files in /etc/nsswitch.conf
  0.03 - 0.4 s

b) With 1.7.34 and default /etc/nsswitch.conf

  around 120s

C) With 1.7.35 and default /etc/nsswitch.conf

  4.4 - 4.6s

> On another note:
> I just uploaded a new developer snapshot (2015-02-24).  This snapshot
> should improve mkpasswd/mkgroup or, generally speaking, enumerating
> AD accounts, a lot.  Can you give it a try?  
> While you're at it, does the new snapshot still stop after 3.5K
> accounts even though you think there are 8K accounts?  If so, I'd be
> interested to investigate this further.  The reason is, while testing
> my today's performance improvements, I stumbled over a bug in my code
> which also resulted in enumerating less accounts as desired.  So I'm
> not entirely sure your problem isn't related to a bug either.     

I'll try to find time to give this a go too.

> Thanks,
> Corinna

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