Eliot Moss <moss <at> cs.umass.edu> writes:
>On 2/14/2015 1:03 PM, Andy wrote:
>> Why would such a person want to access the handset via a unix path?
>> Android doesn't have a native Notes app, and if I simply use its
>> text editor, that's one more app I can avoid installing.  But I
>> would want to sync it with the laptop copy of the text files via
>> vimdiff and diff.
> Well, I would like a Unix interface just for managing files, say
> copying things on and off of my phone without having to use File
> Explorer or something like that.
> It seems almost, but not quite, possible to mount one of these
> things under a drive letter, but some silly Windows restrictions (I
> remember investigating but don't remember the detailed road block)
> made it not work.  Sigh.

In my multi-week stint getting CyanogenMod working on the phone, I
came across many issues with MTP USB driver.  I got the impression
that there is a way to get vanilla USB working (if there is such a
thing) rather than MTP.  To me, it's a murky area because the info I
could find seems to depend on the phone and "recovery" that is
installed, and the like.  It was never clear to me whether it was an
MTP issue that I somehow circumvented, or something else.  But I do
wonder whether the phone would look like a drive letter if non-MTP USB
operation were somehow established.  It's really just half baked
pondering, as I don't recall my 1st generation iPod Touch showing up
in Windows explorer at all when connected by USB.  I'm assuming that
it was vanilla USB, and that MTP is more modern (I became aware of MTP
in the past few weeks).  Wikipedia shows that MTP became standardized
in 2008, and that 1st gen Touch was released in Jan 2008, which was
probably too early for MTP.  Wikipedia also shows the Touch as having
just USB (but then again, it also shows Moto G as micro-USB, with no
indication of MTP).

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