Helmut Karlowski <helmut.karlowski <at> ish.de> writes: > That was it. All fine now, next I'll write me a cygwin-snapshot-install :-\
Or package it and install via setup.exe. ---Makefile--- .PHONY: both all install clean force-clean clean-install clean-source snapshot source install-snapshot snapshot-debuginfo install-snapshot-debuginfo CV ?= 1.7.34 CR ?= 003 CVR = $(CV)-$(CR) SD ?= 20150108 ARCH ?= $(subst i686,x86,$(shell arch)) CYGMIR = /mnt/mirror/cygwin/$(ARCH)/release/cygwin CYGDEB = $(CYGMIR)/cygwin-debuginfo CYGDEV = $(CYGMIR)/cygwin-devel SNAPSHOT = $(PWD)/$(ARCH)/snapshot-$(SD) SNAPSRC = $(PWD)/source SNAPDEB = $(PWD)/$(ARCH)/snapshot-debuginfo-$(SD) SNAPDEV = $(PWD)/$(ARCH)/snapshot-devel-$(SD) SNAPURL = http://cygwin.com/snapshots/$(ARCH) PATCH = /mnt/mirror/patch/$(ARCH)/release/cygwin PATCHDEB = $(PATCH)/cygwin-debuginfo PATCHDEV = $(PATCH)/cygwin-devel both: $(MAKE) install ARCH=x86 $(MAKE) install ARCH=x86_64 all: snapshot snapshot-debuginfo snapshot-devel install: clean-install clean install-snapshot install-snapshot-debuginfo force-clean clean force-clean: rm -fr $(SNAPSHOT) $(SNAPDEB) *.bz2 *.xz *.dbg clean-install: clean rm -f $(PATCH)/cygwin-$(CVR)s$(SD).tar.* $(PATCHDEB)/cygwin-debuginfo-$(CVR)s$(SD).tar.* clean-source: rm -f $(SNAPSRC)/cygwin-snapshot-* cygwin-inst-$(SD).tar.xz cygwin-src-$(SD).tar.xz cygwin1-$(SD).dbg.xz: wget $(SNAPURL)/$@ source: cygwin-src-$(SD).tar.xz tar -C $(SNAPSRC) -xvf cygwin-src-$(SD).tar.xz snapshot: cygwin-inst-$(SD).tar.xz mkdir -p $(SNAPSHOT) $(PATCH) cp --preserve=ownership,timestamp $(CYGMIR)/setup.hint $(PATCH) sed -i .bak -e '/^(curr|test|prev):/ d' $(PATCH)/setup.hint tar -C $(SNAPSHOT) -xf $(CYGMIR)/cygwin-$(CVR).tar.xz tar -C $(SNAPSHOT) -xf cygwin-inst-$(SD).tar.xz install-snapshot: snapshot mkdir -p $(PATCH) tar -C $(SNAPSHOT) -Jcf $(PATCH)/cygwin-$(CVR)s$(SD).tar.xz etc/ usr/ snapshot-debuginfo: cygwin1-$(SD).dbg.xz mkdir -p $(SNAPDEB) $(PATCHDEB) cp --preserve=ownership,timestamp $(CYGDEB)/setup.hint $(PATCHDEB) sed -i .bak -e '/^(curr|test|prev):/ d' $(PATCHDEB)/setup.hint tar -C $(SNAPDEB) -xf $(CYGDEB)/cygwin-debuginfo-$(CVR).tar.xz unxz -c cygwin1-$(SD).dbg.xz > $(SNAPDEB)/usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/cygwin1.dbg touch -r cygwin1-$(SD).dbg.xz $(SNAPDEB)/usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/cygwin1.dbg install-snapshot-debuginfo: snapshot-debuginfo mkdir -p $(PATCHDEB) tar -C $(SNAPDEB) -Jcf $(PATCHDEB)/cygwin-debuginfo-$(CVR)s$(SD).tar.xz --exclude usr/man --exclude usr/include usr/ snapshot-devel: snapshot mkdir -p $(SNAPDEV) $(PATCHDEV) cp --preserve=ownership,timestamp $(CYGDEV)/setup.hint $(PATCHDEV) sed -i .bak -e '/^(curr|test|prev):/ d' $(PATCHDEV)/setup.hint install-snapshot-devel: snapshot-devel mkdir -p $(PATCHDEB) tar -C $(SNAPDEB) -Jcf $(PATCHDEB)/cygwin-debuginfo-$(CVR)s$(SD).tar.xz --exclude usr/man --exclude usr/include usr/ -------------- (Gmane is going to break some lines, so you'll have to clean those up, sorry) Regards, Achim. -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple