I'm installing Cygwin behind a proxy.

From my machine, the only way I can curl to external websites is by
using the following flags:

curl --insecure --header "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0" --proxy <proxyip>:3128 www.google.com I have to ignore SSL certificates, modify the user agent HTTP header, and specify the proxy server. Is there any way I can specify something similar for the Cygwin installation?

I get the following log if I specify only the proxy server (using the proxy option) during the installation:

2015/02/02 16:44:28 Starting cygwin install, version 2.859
2015/02/02 16:44:28 User has backup/restore rights
2015/02/02 16:44:28 io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/setup.rc) failed 2 No such file or directory
2015/02/02 16:44:28 Current Directory: C:\Users\admin\Desktop
2015/02/02 16:44:28 Could not open service McShield for query, start and stop. McAfee may not be installed, or we don't have access.
2015/02/02 16:44:30 source: network install
2015/02/02 16:44:32 root: C:\cygwin system
2015/02/02 16:44:32 Selected local directory: C:\Users\admin\Desktop
2015/02/02 16:44:33 net: Proxy
Cached mirror list unavailable
get_url_to_membuf http://cygwin.com/mirrors.lst
getUrlToStream http://cygwin.com/mirrors.lst
getUrlToStream failed!
get_url_to_membuf failed!
Defaulting to empty mirror list
2015/02/02 16:44:36 io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/setup.rc) failed 2 No such file or directory
2015/02/02 16:44:36 Ending cygwin install


Justin W

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