Hi folks,

A new version of Setup, release 2.864, has been uploaded to

  https://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe     (32 bit version)
  https://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe  (64 bit version)

Changes compared to the previous 2.859 release:

- The package choosing algorithm has been rewritten partially.

  The most visible effect is that Setup will now never downgrade a
  package.  This is much more in line with the update mechanism in Linux
  package managers.  For Cygwin this means, if you have an experimental
  version of a package installed and you start Setup to update your
  installation, Setup will not automatically downgrade the package to
  the current release anymore but stick to the experimental release.  If
  there's a new experimental release, it will by default update to the
  new experimental release.  If the experimental release became the
  current release, you'll be back to normal.

  This also fixes a bug which might have resulted in removing packages
  without visual feedback in the "Pending" view of the package selection

- Introduce an experimental option -m/--mirror-mode.

  If you're running a local mirror from which you're installing via the
  "Install from Local Directory" option, you might have noticed a rather
  long delay (sometimes in the range of minutes) prior to opening the
  package selection dialog with an entirely unresponsive Setup.

  This delay is spent iterating throught the full set of packages and
  testing each package and each packageversion if the underlying package
  file exists in the download directory.  If the download directory is,
  in fact, a mirror, these checks don't make sense.  With the -m option
  and the Download Source set to "Install from Local Directory", these
  checks are skipped, and the package selection dialog will show up
  almost instantly.

  Please note that this option is provided on a "no guarantee" basis.
  It requires a sane mirror with the packages in sync with its setup.ini

Please send bug reports, as usual, to the public mailing list
cygwin AT cygwin DOT com.

Have fun,

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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