On Feb  3 05:33, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> I want to back up and restore some of my registry settings.  I start a shell
> with "Run as administrator", and regtool save seems to work fine for saving:
> $ regtool save /HKCU/Software/SimonTatham/PuTTY/Sessions PuTTY.reg
> $ 
> However when I try to reload the saved settings, I get access denied:
> $ regtool load /HKCU/Software/SimonTatham/PuTTY/Sessions PuTTY.reg
> Error (5): Access is denied.
> Does anyone know why this fails?  I'm puzzled by this since I'm running in an
> admin shell.

It's a bug in regtool.  I'm looking into it...


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