On 2015-01-24 17:45, Denis Excoffier wrote:
> On 2015-01-22 23:07, Denis Excoffier wrote:
>> % /usr/bin/ls /
>> /usr/bin/ls: reading directory /: No such file or directory
>> (regular ls output follows)
>> %
> I reinstalled cygwin completely.
> The problem is now vanished.
> No idea what caused the problem.

Now i know: in /etc/fstab i have the line:
X:/some/svnrepository /svnX ntfs cygexec,noacl
which works well when X: is there, but which produces
the above message when i'm at home.

End of the story? Not really:
1) perhaps the /usr/bin/ls message would deserve some improvement,
   by naming the failing folder (/svnX)
2) why is the build of cygserver impacted by something that takes
   place at the root directory (see "Trying implicit prerequisite 
'/version.cc'." in

For item 2: Bingo! Perhaps unexpectedly, $(cygwin_source) is unknown within 
cygwin sources...
Please apply the following:

diff -uNr cygwin-snapshot-20150122-1.vanilla/winsup/cygserver/Makefile.in 
--- cygwin-snapshot-20150122-1.vanilla/winsup/cygserver/Makefile.in     
2014-07-24 15:21:47.000000000 +0200
+++ cygwin-snapshot-20150122-1.patched/winsup/cygserver/Makefile.in     
2015-01-28 10:36:17.000000000 +0100
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
 cygserver.exe: $(CYGWIN_LIB) $(OBJS) $(CYGWIN_OBJS)
        $(CXX) -o $@ ${wordlist 2,999,$^} -static -static-libgcc 
-B$(cygwin_build) -lntdll
-$(cygwin_build)/%.o: $(cygwin_source)/%.cc
+$(cygwin_build)/%.o: $(cygwin_build)/%.cc
        @$(MAKE) -C $(@D) $(@F)
-$(cygwin_build)/%.o: $(cygwin_source)/%.c
+$(cygwin_build)/%.o: $(cygwin_build)/%.c
        @$(MAKE) -C $(@D) $(@F)
 Makefile: Makefile.in configure


Denis Excoffier.

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