On Jan 13 09:37, cyg Simple wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Achim Gratz
> > 
> > Corinna Vinschen  writes:
> > > Which means what for the Cygwin DLL?  Dropping TMP/TEMP from the
> > > merged Windows env?  It makes sense, I think.  Of course, there will
> > > be others...
> My process is dependent on the fact that TMP/TEMP have in/out rewriting of
> strings from POSIX to WINDOWS so please leave it as is.

You're missing something here.  What we're talking about is a merge
of the user's Windows default environment at the time of a user context
switch (for instance, logon via ssh).  In that case, "leaving it as is"
today would mean to *drop* TMP/TEMP from the environment, because that's
what ssh does anyway.  Ssh drops almost everything from the environment,
before exec'ing the child process.  And that's a good thing, because
the environment (e.g. LOCALAPPDATA, USERPROFILE, etc) would otherwise
reflect the settings of the user running the sshd service, not the
settings of the user just logging in.

The new functionality we're talking about here is that the next Cygwin
would "resurrect" the Windows environment setting for the child process
started by sshd.  And these settings would be the one for the user just
logging in.  This would help some Windows applications which otherwise
choke if these Windows environment variables are missing.

Having said that, TMP/TEMP have the downside of being used by POSIX and
Windows applications alike.  Therefore these variables usually are
converted from Windows to POSIX and vice versa on the fly.

However, whether it makes sense to set TMP/TEMP in a ssh logon session
or a cron session is questionable.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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