Hi Pierre,

On Jan  5 09:03, Pierre A. Humblet wrote:
> While porting exim to Windows 64 I have observed strange results when
> resolving localhost
> On Windows XP,
> Resolv: search "localhost" type 28
> Resolv: query "localhost" type 28
> Resolv: DnsQuery: 0 (Windows)
> Resolv: localhost Section 0 Type 28 Windows Record Length 16
> 08:02:06  3760 DNS lookup of localhost (AAAA) succeeded
> Resolv: search "localhost" type 1
> Resolv: query "localhost" type 1
> Resolv: DnsQuery: 0 (Windows)
> Resolv: localhost Section 1 Type 1 Windows Record Length 4
> 08:44:13  5552 DNS lookup of localhost (A) succeeded
> We see that for IPV4 localhost things are fine.
> Windows returns an answer section (1) and Cygwin processes it correctly.
> However for IPV6 it returned a question section (0) but with data in it.
> Cygwin essentially drops that.
> That's why above the application tried an A record after getting the AAAA
> record, which was empty.
> However of Windows 7
> CYGWIN_NT-6.1 Dell3020 1.7.33-2(0.280/5/3) 2014-11-13 15:47 x86_64 Cygwin
> Resolv: search "localhost" type 28
> Resolv: query "localhost" type 28
> Resolv: DnsQuery: 0 (Windows)
> Resolv: localhost Section 0 Type 28 Windows Record Length 16
> 08:22:24 140244 DNS lookup of localhost (AAAA) succeeded
> Resolv: search "localhost" type 1
> Resolv: query "localhost" type 1
> Resolv: DnsQuery: 0 (Windows)
> Resolv: localhost Section 0 Type 1 Windows Record Length 4
> We see that Windows returns question sections in both cases and localhost is
> never resolved.
> From what I have seen Windows never returns question section in normal cases
> so I suggest
> inserting the following on line 251 of minires-os-if.c, to essentially turn
> question sections
> in answer sections (after  while (rr) { )
> if ((rr->Flags.DW & 0x3) == 0) {
>         DPRINTF(debug, "Got section 0 %s %d with data length %d\n", DomName,
> Type, rr->wDataLength);
>         if (rr->wDataLength > 0)
>                 rr->Flags.DW |= 1; // Make it an answer section as there is
> data
> }

Can you please send at least a real patch?  Without the formatting
matching the surrounding code I'm totally unsure where to apply this
code.  A ChangeLog entry would be helpful as well.

> It would be nice if this would be tried ASAP.
> However I am not setup currently to build cygwin.

It's not exactly tricky to set this up...

> Occasionally I also see localhost queries fail.
> I have not been able to pinpoint what causes that.
> Resolv: search "localhost" type 28
> Resolv: query "localhost" type 28
> Resolv: DnsQuery: 9003 (Windows)
> 08:00:14 145640 DNS lookup of localhost (AAAA) gave HOST_NOT_FOUND
> 08:00:14 145640 returning DNS_NOMATCH
> Resolv: search "localhost" type 1
> Resolv: query "localhost" type 1
> Resolv: DnsQuery: 9003 (Windows)
> In light of RFC 6761 we should handle localhost in gethostbyname2, for both
> IP4 and IP6
> While we are at it we should also handle numerical domains w.x.y.z there.
> That's less urgent, I can do that in the coming weeks.

Cool, I'm looking forward to your patches!


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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