Corinna wrote:

> The aforementioned message is a result of a change in how the function
> underlying `id' works.
> The old getgroups iterated through the groups from /etc/groups, and then
> checked for each group if its SID is available in the user's token.
> This behaviour only makes sense if there is a self-contained list of
> groups in memory.  But the new code doesn't read all of /etc/group, or,
> worse, all groups from the Windows account DB.  So the new, more logical
> behaviour is to iterate over the groups in the user's token and then
> checking for (or generating) a group entry for the SID.  So, in contrast
> to the old code, the new code only generates a single group entry per
> SID.

... to iterate over the groups in the user's token ...

But, by design, groups NOT present in the group file will NOT be reported
by id, in case the nsswitch.conf file specififies:

# only show me the gid's I am interested in (i.e. those in the group file)
group: files



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