Hello to Cygwin Community

i just started using CygWin on my job, and since it has a Windows culture,
there is not a native Linux/Unix Plataform.
so, in order to bring some power to the system i have installed cygwin.

now my problem:
after implementing my routines (bash scripting for handling and generate
files) i need to stop/launch Windows Sevices.
after online search i found that *cygrunsrv * is a tool native, but i could
only figure out how to control services instaled on my CygWin.

The services that i am trying to stop/start are from foreign software
providers that consume those files i now automaticly produce. but for that
to happen the service has to be restarted

what i need is some guides on Where to go now.

Thanks all for your understanding if it is a old/stupid question but i
didint find mutch information online

Simao Pereira

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