Greetings, Paul!

>>> ...if I have ~/bin/pdfcrop.exe, the command "ls ~/bin/pdfcrop"
>>> shows pdfcrop rather than pdfcrop.exe.  Is there any way to force
>>> ls to show the full filename (including extension) if it matched
>>> the ls argument, even if the ls argument doesn't specify the
>>> extension?  I read
>>>, which
>>> helps explain the situation, but not a solution.
>> I see people are diving deep to find a "solution", but noone has
>> asked, what is the problem they are trying to solve here.  So, let
>> me ask it: what is the problem?

> Hello, Andrey,

> I'm wading through many files in two file trees.  In particular, I'm
> looking at corresponding directories in the two trees where "diff -qr"
> revealed differences.  I want the absolute truth of what the filename
> is with minimal distrations about how to achieve that.  Then, I can
> focus on figuring how those files came about, and how the differences
> arose.

Use more appropriate tools.
I.e. Far manager have standard file/directory comparison plugin.
Which can quickly compare paths and or contents of the files.
However, it will not show differences inside files, only show that they are
different, but you can always augment it with
view:<? diff -x "CVS" -x ".svn" -I "\$Id.*\$" -I "\$Revision.*\$" -I 
"\$Date.*\$" -I "\$Author.*\$" -I "\$URL.*\$" !?$UnixDiff$Options ((-c, -b 
etc.)):?! --strip-trailing-cr -- "!#!\!.!" "!^!\!.!"

I'm not saying that this can not be achieved with Cygwin tools, but even then,
using "ls" to compare files one by one is hardly efficient.

Andrey Repin ( 07.01.2015, <04:24>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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