On 12/28/2014 6:45 AM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
On 12/27/2014 11:38 PM, Phil _ wrote:
cygwin64 has no package with any version of LISP. I install cygwin
largely to use LISP, and have to keep both cygwin32 and cygwin64
installations just for clisp, which is in cygwin32.

Some of the available packages use LISP, so there must be a LISP in
there somewhere. Is there a way to use that hidden lisp interpreter,
or to install the 32-bit clisp package in cygwin64?

Without knowing what packages you're referring to, it's hard to be
more specific but I believe that you'll find the packages that use
LISP are doing so only through scripts that aren't crucial to the
package operation.  They are helper scripts, Emacs utilities, etc.
There is, of course, no reason that these LISP scripts can't be run
using the 32-bit version of LISP, as you've recognized, so this is
your best recourse at the moment if you prefer to wait for a 64-bit
version to be provided as part of distribution.  Otherwise, you can
always build a version for yourself while you wait for the official

I presume he is referring to clisp.
Considering the deep level of patches that Reini did on 32bit version,
I am not surprised he never had time to build a 64 bit version,
specially the gdi interface


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